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The Big Book National Awards 2021 Ceremony was held in the famous Pashkov House in Moscow. We transformed the ceremony into a digital seance with Fyodor Dostoevsky, whose birthday's 200-year Anniversary was celebrated that year, as the central figure. The stage, where the awards' finalists would come up, was equipped with big black screens that displayed Dostoevsky's questions to the audience, thus creating a mystic atmosphere. The accompanying actors were engaged in the dialogue with the writer and "upon his request" quoted his thoughts from his "A Writer's Diary" about power, money, war and freedom. The winners were announced by the writer's "spirit" too.

The ceremony showed that Dostoevsky remains one of the most up-to-date writers even 200 years after his birthday and his ideas are still popular among today's writers.

Written and staged by Savva Saveliev.

Big Book Awards 2021


Российский книжный союз




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